New Season Spread

I try to read my cards at the beginning of each season. It’s a good exercise in humility and introspection. Of course, I sometimes forget, but these last couple seasons, I’ve actually been on top of my shit. Tarot cards allow you to explore yourself, it’s almost like an ancient form of psychology. When you need to make a decision and are unsure of what path to take, tarot cards offer a second opinion and forces you to think about your situation in a more abstract way.

As the seasons change and the year grows closer to its end, it’s important to evaluate your decisions and use your experience to make the next season better.

This is my new season spread. It’s based on something I found and lost a few years ago, so I’ve made it my own. I like to meditate or take a ritual bath before reading my cards. This allows me to get into a higher and more open mindset.